Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sleep LIttle Lamb

My brother In law did a recording of Trent and I singing a Christmas song for my father in law. I put the picture to a video and pasted it on youtube. If you are interested in listenening to it here is the Link/ address. Its also on my blog if you want to click on that page.

I hope you like it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sneak Peek on pics

We got a disc last week, but something was wrong with it. The last 150 pictures didn't seem to work. Now we are waiting for another disc.
btw . . The spot where these were taken didn't survive the Kanab flash flood to well.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Grandpa Terry's 64th birthday

We gathered together to celebrate Grandpa's 64th birthday.  We had a BYOM (bring your own meat) BBQ at Mike and Lisa's.  We had potato salad, and beans.  Then we sang to Grandpa and had cake or cupcakes.  Good times!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hi everyone! We are going to be blessing Landon on May 2. Our ward meets at 1 pm. We would love to have anyone come who is able to!

Monday, January 11, 2010


I updated birthdays & Ages- If I am wrong about any of them let me know. Lisa